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What is Automotive Wiring Harness?

An automotive wiring harness is the main network of electrical circuits in a car. Without a wiring harness, automotive electrical circuits would not exist. A wiring harness refers to a component that is made by punching contact terminals (connectors) from copper material, and then insulating them with molded insulation or adding an external metal shell, forming a bundled assembly of connected circuits.


Advantages of Automotive Wiring Harness

Reduced installation time – Imagine installing multiple wires into your system. And then, consider installing only a single unit that combines multiple wires. It is obvious that installing a single unit is very fast as compared to multiple units. Moreover, this also reduces the risks of incorrect wiring possibilities.


Reduced risk of shorting – The wire harnesses combine multiple wires into non-flexible bundles, thus making it safer as compared to loose wires, and minimizing the risk of shorts in electrical circuits.


Great performance in harsh conditions – Automotive wiring harnesses are made from durable materials, thus making the harness durable too. They are designed in a way that these bundles can perform extremely well under harsh conditions and can also carry heavy power loads.


Improved fuel efficiency – Wiring harnesses play a major role in improving fuel efficiency of any and every vehicle.


Performance in hybrid cars – Hybrid cars being highly in demand, automotive wire harnesses are the best options as they provide excellent performance in harsh environments too. This means that these harnesses can transmit high currents in even in extreme conditions, thus being able to handle electrical loads, and resist high heat and electromagnetic noise.



Types of Automotive Wiring Harness

Engine Wire Harness: As the name implies, this type of wire harness is designed specifically for the engine compartment. It handles the wiring for systems like fuel injectors, spark plugs, and other engine components.


Body Wire Harness: This harness takes care of the electrical components within the vehicle's body, such as the power windows, lights, and the sound system.


Chassis Wire Harness: This type of harness is typically used for the vehicle's undercarriage wiring. It connects the taillights, sensors, and other components underneath the vehicle.


HVAC Wire Harness: HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. The HVAC wire harness is dedicated to these systems, controlling elements like the blower motor and AC compressor.


Universal Wire Harness: These are highly versatile, as they can be used across various types of vehicles and applications. They're not custom-made for a specific model, so they're ideal for custom builds or older models where a specific harness might be hard to find.


Application of Automotive Wiring Harness

Engine Management: Wire harnesses are used to connect the engine's various sensors, actuators, and control modules. This allows the engine to operate efficiently, monitor its own condition, and adjust its performance based on real-time data.


Lighting Systems: Automotive wire harnesses control the vehicle's exterior and interior lighting systems, including headlights, taillights, turn signals, and interior lights. They ensure that the lights are properly powered and function correctly in various driving conditions.


Braking Systems: Wire harnesses are integral to the braking system, connecting the brake pedal, master cylinder, brake calipers, and other components. This allows the driver to apply the brakes and slow or stop the vehicle safely.


Transmission Control: Wire harnesses connect the transmission to the engine control unit, enabling the transmission to shift gears smoothly and efficiently based on the vehicle's speed, load, and other factors.


Safety Systems: Automotive wire harnesses are essential for safety systems such as airbags, anti-lock braking systems (ABS), and stability control systems. They connect the sensors and actuators that detect potential hazards and activate the appropriate safety measures to protect the occupants.


Infotainment Systems: Wire harnesses connect the vehicle's infotainment system, including radios, navigation systems, and displays, to the vehicle's electrical system. This allows drivers and passengers to enjoy entertainment and information while on the road.


Components of Automotive Wiring Harness



The connector component manifests its name: it connects the harness wires to the different circuits and power sources. A typical connector will have a male pug end and a female jack end. Both ends join together to transmit the current.
Generally, the work of a fuse is to protect electrical components if something goes wrong. For example, when the current is excessively high. When talking about cars and their wiring harnesses, it’s no different. The wiring harness fuse features a wire that’ll easily melt at a certain current level. When it melts, it breaks the circuit.
Fuse Block
Each circuit in the wiring harness has a separate fuse. That means one fuse going bad won’t affect all components. A fuse block is like a house where you assemble the different fuses. It’s similar to a distribution board.
The relay component of an auto wiring harness works for high current circulation. It’s one of the most important components, drawing power directly from the battery. In contrast, some components draw power from other car system parts. Consequently, the relay component can deliver a powerful current from a low one.
A wiring harness is an assembly of electrical cables or wires. The cables or wires are the components in view here. These are usually copper wires and come in different circuit measurement variants.


Common Signs of Automotive Wiring Harness Issues

Common signs of automotive wiring harness issues can vary depending on the severity and nature of the problem. However, here are some common indicators that may suggest issues with the wiring harness:

Malfunctioning Components

If you notice that certain electrical components in your vehicle, such as headlights, taillights, or interior lights, are not working properly, it could be a sign of a wiring harness issue. Similarly, issues with other components like the air conditioning system, radio, or power windows may also indicate wiring problems.

Weird Sounds or Smells

If you hear squeaking, grinding, or other abnormal sounds coming from the engine bay or interior of your vehicle, it could be a sign of loose or damaged wiring. Additionally, if you smell something burning, it could indicate a short circuit or overheating wires.

Diminished Performance

If your vehicle's performance seems to be affected, such as reduced engine power, sluggish acceleration, or issues with transmission shifting, it could be due to wiring harness issues.

Dashboard Warning Lights

If you see any warning lights illuminated on your vehicle's dashboard, particularly those related to electrical systems or engine components, it's important to check for wiring harness issues.

Intermittent Problems

If you experience electrical issues that come and go, it could be due to loose connections or damaged wires in the wiring harness. These intermittent problems can be difficult to diagnose, so it's important to have a professional inspect the wiring harness.

Visible Damage

If you notice visible damage to the wiring harness, such as frayed wires, exposed metal, or burned insulation, it's important to address the issue immediately. Damaged wiring can pose a safety hazard and should be repaired or replaced by a professional.


Automotive Wiring Harness Circuits


Since automotive wiring harnesses connect to different electrical components, they come with different connection circuits.
Also known as wire lengths, the circuits serve distinct purposes. And a standard automotive wiring harness has 12 of them.
The circuits include:
● Dash lights
● Gauges
● Hazard flasher
● Heat and AC
● Horn
● Parking lights
● Radio
● Stop lights
● Tail lights
● Turn signals
● Wipers
From their names, you can easily understand what each circuit does.
However, many high–end vehicles feature wiring harnesses with more than 12 circuits. Some come with 18 and others with 24. These extra circuits are important because the vehicles come with more electrical components.

Auto Engine Wiring Harness


How To Pick The Right Wiring Harness for Your Car

Inspect the circuit connectors

This is the first and most important. As explained before, standard wiring harnesses have 12 circuits, but others have 18 or 24. You must inspect the circuit connectors to confirm it matches your vehicle type.


Check if the harness is expandable

You may have a car that needs a harness with just 12 circuits. Good. What happens if you get a car that needs 18? You can purchase a new harness. Or, you can get an expandable harness that accommodates more circuits from the on-set. An expandable harness is also an advantage as they experience less voltage loss.


Check the harness material

You don't want anything but a durable wiring harness. To ensure this, examine the harness material, especially the wire and connector materials. For the wires, copper is the best option. You can go for copper or brass for the connector but avoid aluminum.



The Evolution of Automotive Wiring Harness Technology

Modular Design

Modern vehicles are designed with modular components, and wiring harnesses follow suit. Modular wiring harnesses enable easier assembly, repair, and replacement of specific sections, minimizing downtime during maintenance.

Smart Wiring Systems

With the advent of smart vehicles, wiring harnesses have evolved to accommodate sophisticated electronic systems. High-tech features like advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), infotainment, and connectivity demand intelligent wiring solutions that can handle complex data transfer and communication.

Fiber Optic Integration

Fibre optic cables are increasingly integrated into wiring harnesses to transmit data at high speeds with minimal signal loss. This is particularly relevant in the context of in-vehicle communication systems and entertainment networks.

Electrification and Hybrid Vehicles

The rise of electrified and hybrid vehicles introduces new challenges for wiring harnesses. High-voltage wiring, battery management systems, and complex control logic require advanced harness designs to ensure safety and efficiency.



Challenges and Solutions in Automotive Wiring Harness Design



Weight and Space Constraints

As vehicles become more compact and lightweight, wiring harnesses face challenges in terms of weight and space constraints. Engineers address this by employing advanced materials, efficient designs, and precise routing.


Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

The proliferation of electronic components in modern vehicles increases the risk of electromagnetic interference. Wiring harnesses incorporate shielding and grounding techniques to mitigate EMI and ensure the proper functioning of sensitive electronic systems.


Durability and Reliability

Vehicles operate in diverse and challenging conditions. Wiring harnesses must withstand heat, moisture, vibrations, and mechanical stress. Robust materials and thorough testing processes are employed to enhance durability and reliability.



Future Trends in Automotive Wiring Harness


Integration with Autonomous Systems

The rise of autonomous vehicles will necessitate wiring harnesses capable of supporting complex sensor networks, communication systems, and control mechanisms required for safe and efficient autonomous operation.


Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Ongoing research focuses on developing lightweight yet durable materials and streamlined manufacturing processes to meet the evolving needs of modern vehicles.


Enhanced Diagnostic Capabilities

Future wiring harnesses may incorporate advanced diagnostic features, enabling real-time monitoring and quick identification of faults for efficient maintenance and repair.


We are experts at this industry

Step 1: Design and Engineering
The journey begins with meticulous design and engineering. Our team of skilled professionals collaborates with clients to understand their specific requirements and vehicle configurations. Cutting-edge design software and technology are employed to create detailed schematics and layouts, ensuring optimal wire routing, secure connections, and compatibility with various vehicle components.

Step 2: Wire Selection and Preparation
Selecting the right wires is crucial for durability and performance. Our experts carefully choose wires based on factors such as conductivity, insulation material, and temperature resistance. Once selected, the wires undergo precise cutting, stripping, and termination processes to prepare them for assembly.

Step 3: Connector Assembly
Connectors are the vital components that enable seamless communication between different parts of the vehicle. Our advanced machinery and skilled technicians meticulously assemble connectors, ensuring proper alignment and secure connections. This step requires precision to prevent signal interference and ensure long-lasting functionality.

Step 4: Harness Assembly

With wires and connectors ready, the harness assembly process begins. Wires are organized according to the schematics, and connectors are strategically placed. Our experienced assembly team follows industry best practices to ensure that each wire is accurately routed, bundled, and secured to prevent wear and interference.

Step 5: Quality Control and Testing

Quality is our top priority. Rigorous testing procedures are carried out at multiple stages to identify and rectify any potential defects. From continuity and resistance testing to functional and durability assessments, every wiring harness undergoes comprehensive scrutiny to meet our stringent quality standards.

Step 6: Final Inspection and Packaging

Before reaching our clients, each wiring harness undergoes a final inspection to ensure it meets all specifications. Once approved, the harnesses are carefully packaged to prevent damage during transportation.


How Does a Automotive Wiring Harness Work?

An automotive wiring harness is a complex network of wires and cables that carries electrical signals and power throughout a vehicle. It serves as the central nervous system of the car, connecting various components and systems to enable them to function properly. Here's how an automotive wiring harness works:

Power Distribution

The wiring harness distributes power from the vehicle's battery to various electrical components and systems. This power is typically carried through heavy-duty cables that are designed to handle the high current loads required by the engine, lights, and other components.

Signal Transmission

In addition to power distribution, the wiring harness also transmits electrical signals between components. These signals control various functions such as engine operation, transmission shifting, brake systems, and vehicle security systems. For example, when you press the gas pedal, a signal is sent through the wiring harness to the engine control unit (ECU) to increase the fuel supply and RPM.

Branch Circuits

The wiring harness is organized into branch circuits, which are separate groups of wires that serve specific areas or components of the vehicle. These branch circuits are designed to minimize the risk of electrical interference and ensure that each component receives the correct amount of power and signals.

Connectors and Terminals

The wires in the wiring harness are terminated with connectors and terminals that allow them to be securely attached to the various components and systems in the vehicle. These connectors are designed to ensure a reliable electrical connection that can withstand the vibrations and movements of the vehicle.

Protection and Insulation

The wires in the wiring harness are typically insulated with protective materials to prevent electrical shorts, corrosion, and abrasion. Additionally, fuse boxes and circuit breakers are installed to protect the wiring harness from overloads and short circuits.

Routing and Organization

The wiring harness is carefully routed throughout the vehicle, following specific paths and channels to ensure that the wires are protected from mechanical damage and heat sources. This routing also helps to minimize the risk of electrical interference and maintains the overall reliability of the system.


What Are the Causes of Automotive Wiring Harness Failure? 

Automotive wiring harness failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including but not limited to the following: 


Age and Wear:
Wiring harnesses can degrade over time due to exposure to heat, moisture, vibration, and chemicals. This degradation can lead to insulation breakdown, corrosion of terminals and connectors, and eventual failure of the wiring system.


Poor Installation:
Incorrect installation of the wiring harness, such as improper routing, pinched or crimped wires, or loose connections, can lead to premature failure. Improper installation may also cause damage to the wires during installation, which can result in failure over time.


Electrical Overload:
Excessive current flow through wiring harnesses can lead to overheating and melting of wires. This can happen when components draw more current than the wiring is designed to handle or when there are shorts or grounding issues in the system.


Corrosion of terminals, connectors, and wire insulation can lead to poor electrical connections and failure of the wiring harness. Corrosion can be caused by exposure to moisture, salt, and other contaminants, as well as by galvanic corrosion between different metals in the wiring system.


Mechanical Damage:
Wiring harnesses can be damaged by impact, abrasion, or crushing by other components or systems in the vehicle. This damage can lead to broken wires, exposed conductors, or damage to connectors and terminals.


Defective Components:
Faulty or defective components within the wiring harness, such as bad connectors, terminals, or insulation, can lead to premature failure of the entire system.


Improper Maintenance:
Failure to perform regular maintenance and inspections of the wiring harness can lead to undetected issues that can eventually cause failure. This includes checking for corrosion, damaged wires, and loose connections.


Our Factory


We are a professional manufacturer of designing, producing, and selling a wide range of 3C productions, mainly the qualified cables, wire harnesses and other assemblies. Applications include automotive, new energy, commercial, medical, data transmission, computer, and mobile phone. We have advanced automated production equipment, efficient production capacity, perfect management system, quality products and service capabilities. We have got the certificates of ISO9001, TS16949 and UL. Welcome all the customers across the world to discuss business cooperation opportunity.




Ultimate FAQ Guide to Automotive Wiring Harness

Q: What is the basic of automotive wiring harness?

A: The wiring harness is the combination of electrical cables, or assembly of wires, that connects all electrical and electronic (E/E) components in the automotive vehicle, like sensors, electronic control units, batteries, and actuators.

Q: How do I know what wiring harness I need?

A: The number of circuits you need is determined by the number of electrical components you have, with very simple vehicles (like an off-road only buggie) needing only a small number of circuits. The main difference between a 12, 18, and 24 circuit harness is mostly just compatibility with your vehicle.

Q: How many wiring harnesses are in a car?

A: At each one, the wire needs to be cut, stripped, crimped, and fitted into the correct pin in the connector, and all of this is done by hand. Modern vehicles contain close to 40 different harnesses, comprised of roughly 700 connectors and over 3000 wires.

Q: What is the best wire for automotive wiring harness?

A: Automotive wire insulation should be able to withstand high temperatures, chemicals, abrasion, and moisture. It is recommended to use wires with insulation made of materials such as cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as they provide excellent protection against these elements.

Q: Are all car wiring harnesses the same?

A: They're all pretty vehicle specific, models specific, and sometimes even submodel specific. You can have the same make model and year of car, but depending on the emissions they could have a different wiring harness or different portions of wiring harness.

Q: How many types of wiring harness are there?

A: Some of the most popularly used wire harnesses are flat harnesses, ribbon harnesses, EMI shielded harnesses, RF harnesses, airborne looms, and military looms. You can choose to have a particular kind of wire harness, based on your application, and the required performance and stability.

Q: How to choose automotive wire?

A: Understanding your application, how the wire is being used, and the environment and temperature it will be used in can help you determine the appropriate automotive primary wire you'll need.

Q: What is the difference between wire harness and cable harness?

A: The difference between cable assemblies and wire harnesses is that cable assemblies create a path from one point or circuit to another, while wire harnesses connect several points or circuits with multiple breakouts running in different directions, serving multiple functions with multiple terminations on each breakout.

Q: What material is used for automotive wiring harness?

A: For the first time in the world, "high-strength aluminum alloy wires" are being used in engine harnesses, which have conventionally used copper wires. This development has resulted in harnesses offering about twice the strength of standard aluminum while maintaining their bending properties, all at a lower cost.

Q: Can a car run without a wiring harness?

A: Your vehicle needs more than your engine, and it requires a lot of electricity for certain things to function, like your radio or lights. Beyond that, your battery, starter, and even your alternator run on power, which is provided by the engine. Without an engine wiring harness, you couldn't start your vehicle.

Q: How long do car wiring harnesses last?

A: Generally, a well-made cable harness should last for many years, if not the lifetime of the vehicle. In automotive applications, a wiring harness can last for 15-20 years or even longer, as long as it is not exposed to excessive heat, moisture, or physical damage.

Q: What is the voltage rating of automotive wire?

A: A cross-linked automotive wire can withstand much higher temperatures. Regardless of insulation material, both wires share a voltage rating of 50V.

Q: What is an automotive wiring harness?

A: An automotive wiring harness is a complex network of cables and wires that connect various electrical components in a vehicle. It's responsible for carrying power, signals, and data between the various systems and components of the car, such as the engine, brakes, lights, and infotainment system.

Q: How can I identify a wiring harness problem?

A: Common symptoms of wiring harness problems include:
Electrical components not working properly.
Malfunctioning sensors or switches.
Shorts or grounding issues.
Strange noises or smells coming from the wiring harness.

Q: How do I fix a wiring harness problem?

A: Fixing a wiring harness problem typically requires the following steps:
Diagnosis: Identify the specific issue by tracing the wires and connectors.
Repair: Replace damaged wires, connectors, or terminals.
Testing: After the repair, test the system to ensure it's working properly.

Q: How can I prevent wiring harness failure?

A: To prevent wiring harness failure, you can:
Regularly inspect the wiring harness for damage or corrosion.
Ensure proper installation and routing of wires.
Replace aging or damaged components promptly.
Use high-quality components and materials.

Q: How much does it cost to replace an automotive wiring harness?

A: The cost of replacing an automotive wiring harness depends on several factors, including the make and model of the car, the complexity of the wiring harness, and the labor involved. It can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

Q: Can I replace the wiring harness myself?

A: Replacing an automotive wiring harness can be a complex task that requires knowledge and skills in electrical systems. While it's possible to do it yourself, it's generally recommended to leave it to a professional mechanic or technician to ensure the job is done correctly and safely.

Q: What are the safety considerations when working with automotive wiring harnesses?

A: When working with automotive wiring harnesses, it's important to:
Disconnect the battery to prevent electrical shocks.
Use the correct tools and equipment.
Follow safety procedures and best practices.
Wear protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection.

Q: Why connectors are used in wiring harness?

A: It is the job of male and female connectors to create the connections between the various parts of the harness. It allows for reliable signal transmission, data, and energy. Plugs are male connectors, while jacks are female connectors for wire harnesses.

We're professional automotive wiring harness manufacturers and suppliers in China, specialized in providing high quality customized products. We warmly welcome you to wholesale discount automotive wiring harness in stock here and get pricelist from our factory. For price consultation, contact us.

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